Since July 2022, some users have reported frequent issues with YouTube views that do not update or view counts that are locked. The primary view counter on the video page is impacted by this problem, which keeps the counter from updating correctly even after refreshing the website. Clearing the cache in your browser or liking or disliking the video should resolve the problem, which appears to be browser-related. The problem, however, may occasionally be caused by YouTube’s automated audits, which may momentarily stall, halt, or erase views from the counter. For content producers that depend on precise view counts to monitor the performance and revenue of their videos, this problem can be irritating. YouTube is attempting to fix the problem after acknowledging it. The use of bots or buying views to inflate view counts is prohibited by YouTube policy and may result in penalties or account suspension.

Reasons for YouTube Views Not Update:-

1. YouTube’s Verification Process

Channels must meet eligibility requirements, such as having a banner, description, and profile image, as well as being active on the platform, in order to be verified on YouTube. Channels can file a verification request using the YouTube Studio settings tab and may be required to produce identification documentation like a driver’s licence or a company document as confirmation of their identity. In order to text or call you with a verification code, YouTube will also request your phone number. In some cases, if the creator is well-known outside of the site, YouTube will validate a channel with fewer than 100,000 subscribers. Channels can submit videos and use extra features like live streaming and custom thumbnails once they have been validated.

2. Technical Issues

When accessing YouTube, consumers could run into technical difficulties. Slow loading, buffering, stuttering, and freezing of videos are a few typical concerns. Several causes, including an overcrowded server, problems with the internet or routers, cached web pages, IP address ranges, unreliable internet connections, and insufficient bandwidth and speed, might contribute to these problems. Users can utilise expert tools like the Kernel Video Repair Tool as well as troubleshooting techniques like emptying the browser cache, turning off browser add-ons, resetting the router, and monitoring the internet speed to resolve these problems. Users can get more help from YouTube support if the problem continues.

3. YouTube Analytics Delay

Due to a number of factors, YouTube Analytics data may occasionally be delayed. The processing time needed to gather and evaluate data from the platform’s large user base is one of the causes of the delay. The user’s location and YouTube’s servers’ different time zones could also be the cause of the delay in data updates. Furthermore, technical problems like server outages or maintenance can hold up data updates. Users can access the Analytics area of YouTube Studio by logging into their YouTube account, clicking on the profile symbol, and then tapping on “YouTube Studio.” Additionally, there are numerous third-party analytics solutions that provide thorough dashboards to track channel and video performance, including Channel Meter. Users might get more help from YouTube support if they notice noticeable delays in data updates.

4. Frozen View Count

Due to a variety of factors, YouTube view counts can appear stopped or stop updating. It’s possible that the system running on YouTube is taking some time to process the views and update the count. Refreshing the page or liking or disliking the video may help to resolve the problem if the cached version of the page is the cause. View count freezes can also be brought on by technical problems, such as server downtime or maintenance. Users can try refreshing the page, liking or disliking the video, waiting a short while, or emptying their browser’s cache to fix a stuck view counter on YouTube. Users can get more help from YouTube support if the problem continues. The use of bots or buying views to inflate view counts is prohibited by YouTube policy and may result in penalties or account suspension.

What Creators Can Do About It?

1. Be Patient

It’s important to be patient and give YouTube some time to verify the views when they stop updating. The view count will often update in a few hours or days. Creators should refrain from obsessively checking the number of views as this can lead to unneeded tension and anxiety.

2. Check for Technical Issues

Creators should investigate any technical difficulties with their own system or YouTube if views are not updating. This could entail updating the programme, checking the internet connection, or deleting the cache. To see whether there are any widespread issues influencing view counts, creators can also examine YouTube’s page of known issues.

3. Contact YouTube Support

Creators can ask for help from YouTube support if views are not updated. You can do this by getting in touch with YouTube’s support team or completing a support form. The URL of the video, the time and date the views stopped updating, and any error warnings should all be provided by the creators.


In conclusion, content creators who depend on accurate view counts to monitor their video’s performance and profitability may find it annoying when their view counts are frozen or stop updating on YouTube. Since July 2022, certain users have reported this issue frequently, and it seems to be browser-related. In most circumstances, the problem can be resolved by clearing the browser’s cache or liking or disliking the video. The problem, however, may occasionally be caused by YouTube’s automated audits, which may momentarily stall, halt, or erase views from the counter. YouTube is attempting to fix the problem after acknowledging it. The use of bots or buying views to inflate view counts is prohibited by YouTube policy and may result in penalties or account suspension. To increase the number of subscribers to their channel and develop a devoted community, content creators should concentrate on producing high-quality content and naturally engaging with their audience. Users can get more help from YouTube support if the problem continues.