The view count is a metric used by YouTube to determine the popularity of a video. It’s easy to understand why this number is important and how it relates to engagement with your content on YouTube.

Here is why the view count is lesser than the subscribers count ? 

The view count is lesser than the subscribers count because of the following reasons:

  • Viewers may not be interested in your video content. You may have posted a few videos on YouTube but none of them have been viewed by many people. This means that you are not getting enough engagement with your videos, which means that no one cares about them or watches them.
  • YouTube only shows the TOP 10 videos for each category in any given week, so if there’s something better out there than yours then YouTube won’t display it at all!

It’s a measure of engagement with your video content

View counts are a measure of engagement with your video content. The view count is the number of people who watched your video, and it’s defined as a combination of views and likes. There are three main ways to increase your view count:

  • Use YouTube’s analytics tools to find out what’s working well on your channel
  • Post new videos regularly so that you become known for something new every time you upload one

It’s easy to manipulate numbers if you have enough subscribers and views

If you have enough subscribers and views, it’s easy to manipulate numbers. You can fake engagement and views by paying people off with money or gift cards. You can also buy YouTube views by paying other users on sites like Fiverr or HireVibes.

This will result in a higher number of subscribers and views than what was actually earned by your content creator—but it won’t show up as real information in any way!

YouTube only shows the TOP 10 videos for each category 

YouTube only shows the TOP 10 videos for each category in any given week.

This means that if you have a video with 100k views and 3 subscribers, it will not be shown on the front page of YouTube. Instead, it will appear as one of these 10:

[1] – [2] – [3] – etc., etc., etc..

Meaningful engagement with your video content is what matters most for the views count

Engagement is more important than views, subscribers, likes and shares.

Engagement means that your video has been viewed and watched by someone who cares about what they see. They can be a friend or family member or a stranger who just happens upon it while browsing YouTube.

The more people who watch your video and engage with it on YouTube (e.g., comment on it), the higher its rank will be in search results when someone searches for related topics based on what they saw in the video content itself (i.e., not just because of keywords used).

YouTube views and subscribers are not the same thing, but they have their own uses. Views are a good indicator of engagement with your video content and can be used as a measure for ranking videos in search or for helping advertisers target specific audiences. But if you want higher engagement, then subscribers should be your focus – it’s what keeps viewers coming back to your channel day after day, week after week!