Shared hosting is a website hosting service where a single server hosts multiple websites. Many people get to share the resources of a server. Software applications within the server ease managing and accessing the website. We can securely store all the information, saved files, and data on our site. 

Shared hosting is done to minimize the cost and maximize the resources. By assigning different resources to different users, the cost of maintaining the servers becomes less. You can think of shared hosting as sharing the highway being in the same type of vehicle. Vehicles are the websites, the highway is the server, and people are your website visitors who want to reach some destination. While every visitor uses the same server and the same mode of transportation, their passage is different. Everyone has a unique trip and experience.

Characteristics of Shared Hosting

  • It provides a high uptime showing high reliability.
  • The user doesn’t have to do technical maintenance on the server.
  • Shared hosting may increase traffic to your website when other websites hijack all the resources from the shared server. 
  • The number of resources and processing can be limited so that more users can share the server.
  • The amount of RAM, processing speed, and hard drive space determines the number of websites that can be hosted on a single server.
  • It can also host dynamic sites easily.

Advantages of Shared Hosting

  1. Low maintenance:  It requires very little or no maintenance, as the web host provider maintains the shared server so you can focus on other parts of your website.
  2. Easy Setup: While hosting a website without any experience or technical knowledge sounds like a big challenge, shared hosting simplifies the setup and management of your website.
  3. Cost-effective: Out of all hosting options available, it is the cheapest as multiple users share the cost of the server, and you only have to put a fraction of the cost.
  4. Easy to upgrade: If you are annoyed by the traffic or want to scale your website, you can easily upgrade to the next hosting tier.

Things you should keep in mind while choosing your shared hosting service:

  1. Ensure that you have high uptime.
  2. Amount of sites being used by the server does not affect the performance and speed of the website.
  3. Make sure the hard drive space is more to have enough space for your websites.
  4. Look for a host with support agents to help you.
  5. You cannot customize the software in shared hosting, so if you have specific technical requirements, this might not be your option.
  6. Your bandwidth should be scalable.

Shared Hosting (check here: is a great place to start unless you require root access to install particular programs or configurations. To that end, consider a VPS or Dedicated Server hosting plan if you have to set up unique server configurations or install specific software to get your website up and operating. Shared hosting is mostly for blogs, Personal sites, Portfolios, and small business sites as they do not require much web hosting knowledge, and very less or no effort is required for server management.